Laboratory Safety

Basic Student Guidelines

Safety is a priority at University of Detroit Mercy!

While it may seem unlikely that an accident could happen to you, you should know the accident rate in universities is 10 to 100 times greater than in the chemical industry. To help prevent accidents, safety notes are included in the lab manual. In addition, any relevant Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are in a laboratory binder and guidelines are posted.

Pay close attention to this information – our goals are:

  1. To avoid accidents in the lab, and
  2. To respond promptly and appropriately should an accident occur.

Safety depends on you!

It is your responsibility to follow the instructions in the lab manual and any additional guidelines provided by your instructor.

General Laboratory Safety Guidelines

  • Ensure that your work environment is clear and free of debris before starting your work AND after finishing your project.
  • Clean your workstation after each lab period, and return all equipment and materials to appropriate stations before leaving the lab.
  • Always turn off the power before working on any electric circuit or electronic device.
  • When in doubt about the operation of any circuit or device in lab, always have an instructor check your work before connecting power to your system.
  • Report any safety issues or violations that you are aware of as soon as possible to your course instructor and program director.
  • Always make sure that all lab equipment, soldering irons, project circuits are powered down before leaving your lab area.
  • Never block walkways in the laboratory with lab equipment, cables, and electrical power cords.
  • Do not eat, drink, smoke, or apply cosmetics in the laboratory.
  • Avoid all horseplay in the laboratory.

Please read these Safety Guidelines, complete and sign the last page and return it to your instructor.

Animal Care Concerns

Please report animal care concerns to one of the following individuals:

Maris Polanco, Biology Lab Manager
Life Sciences 110
Phone: (313) 993-1491

Dr. Rachelle Belanger, IACUC Chair
Office: Ford Life Sciences 315
Phone: (313) 993-1571

Concerns can be made in person, via email, or anonymously on the following website: