• header showing students conducting research



 I-RISE with U-RISE logo


The Detroit Mercy I-RISE with U-RISE Program, supported by the National Institutes of Health, will recruit and train a diverse group of undergraduate students who go on to pursue postgraduate education (e.g. Ph.D.) on their way to research careers in biomedical sciences (see eligibility section). We will do this by integrating research training, authentic research experiences and intensive student success initiatives through students' undergraduate careers. Detroit Mercy students will receive early introduction to and continued training in research practices, immersion in culturally responsive mentored research experiences and repeated interaction with and exposure to diverse scientific communities through activities such as research experiences, career panels and conferences.

Do you know a student who would thrive as part of I-RISE with U-RISE? Click here to refer them to the program!

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    Scholar Support

    Scholar Support

    • Tuition support for fall and winter semesters ($16,000 total per year) at Detroit Mercy (for up to three academic years) 
    • A generous stipend of $14,340 per year  
    • Support for summer research experiences ($3,500) when performing external research  
    • Faculty research mentor/preceptor  
    • Travel funds ($1000 per year) to attend and present research at approved scientific meetings  
    • Personalized academic advising and career advising support  
    • Required courses in Research Skills Development; Scientific Writing; and Research Ethics and Integrity  
    • Peer mentoring, seminars, and various activities  
    • Assistance and guidance in applying to graduate school  

    Note: Student payments and other benefits from participating in this program may have income tax obligations. For more information, please consult a tax professional and/or the IRS. You may also wish to review IRS Publication 970, “Tax Benefits for Education.  




    Students are eligible to apply to the I-RISE with U-RISE Program if they:  

    • Attend the University of Detroit Mercy as a full-time student in the fall term that they begin the I-RISE with U-RISE program
    • Are enrolled in a major related to the biomedical sciences (such as Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Psychology, and Biomedical Engineering)  
    • Have three years left in their degree program (preferred)
    • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale)  
    • Plan to pursue a Ph.D. and a career in biomedical or behavioral research  
    • Demonstrate an interest in the diversification of the biomedical research workforce  
    • Are citizens or permanent residents of the United States  
    • Agree to fulfill all program requirements including a sustained research project with an approved preceptor from the University of Detroit Mercy or another approved local research facility throughout the academic year  



    Program Details

    U-RISE-program flow chart


    During the summer between junior and senior year, U-RISE scholars will join an external laboratory at a Research-Intensive Institution to gain experience in a laboratory environment with other undergraduates, Ph.D. students and postdocs (Ph.D. level scientists). This unique opportunity is invaluable to one’s development as a scientist and will immerse U-RISE scholars in a laboratory environment reflective of their potential future position(s). Scholar’s will receive up to an additional $3000 for offsite living expenses during this 10 week external research experience and up to a $500 travel allowance.  

    We have established connections with various regional Research-Intensive Universities to provide U-RISE scholars a number of programs in Chemistry, Biology, and Psychology to choose from. Our U-RISE Summer Research partners include: 



    Liz Roberts-Kirchoff headshotElizabeth S. Roberts-Kirchhoff, Ph.D. 
    Co-Program Director
    Assistant Dean for Academics 
    Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry 
    College of Engineering & Science
    Email: robkires@udmercy.edu

    Rachelle Belanger HeadshotRachelle M. Belanger, Ph.D.  
    Co-Program Director
    Professor and Assistant Chair  
    Department of Biology 
    College of Engineering & Science
    Email: belangra@udmercy.edu


    Kevin Constante headshotKevin Constante, Ph.D. 
    Research Data Analyst for I-RISE with U-RISE and ReBUILDetroit 
    College of Engineering and Science 
    Email: constake@udmercy.edu


    Kendra Evans HeadshotKendra R. Evans, Ph.D.
    Co-Program Director
    Associate Professor 
    Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 
    College of Engineering & Science
    Email: evanskr@udmercy.edu

    Eric Krukones headshotEric Krukonis, Ph.D. 
    Co-Program Director
    Associate Professor 
    Assistant Director of Research 
    Division of Integrated Biomedical Sciences 
    School of Dentistry 
    Email: krukones@udmercy.edu


    Jahzara Mayes headshotJahzara D. E. Mayes, Ed.D.
    Grant Program Manager for I-RISE with U-RISE and ReBUILDetroit
    Assistant Director, Institutional Development Core, ReBUILDetroit
    College of Engineering & Science
    Email: otoojm@udmercy.edu


    Tommie Smith headshotTommie L. Smith, M.A. Science Student Success Coordinator and Advisor  College of Engineering and Science
    Email: smithtl8@udmercy.edu 



    Airik Sanders

    Director of Student Success for I-RISE with U-RISE and ReBUILDetroit


    Advisory Committee

    Christina Jones
    University of Michigan, DDS/Ph.D. Candidate
    UDM ReBUILDetroit Alumna

    Janice Gilliland, Ph.D.
    Dean Henry Ford College, School of STEM

    Joshua Thomson, Ph.D.
    University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry
    Associate Professor & Interim Director of Research Administration

    Kimberly D'Anna-Hernandez, Ph.D. 
    Marquette University
    Associate Professor of Psychology
    Director of the U-RISE Program

    Kirsten Abraham, Ph.D. 
    University Of Detroit Mercy
    Professor of Psychology 
    ReBUILDetroit Research Core

    Megan Conrad, Ph.D.
    University of Detroit Mercy
    Clare Boothe Luce Assistant
    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Rick Hill, Ph.D.
    University of Detroit Mercy
    Assistant Dean for Research & External Initiatives
    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Steven Thomas, M.S.
    Michigan State University
    Coordinator for Inclusive Strategic Partnerships 
    Program Director for AGEP & SROP

    Tracey Burke, Ph.D.
    University of Alaska, Anchorage
    Professor of Social Work
    Director of Biomed U-RISE

    U-RISE Scholars

    Cohort 1

    Samantha Mena
    Bachelor Science with a major in Chemistry, minor in Political Science
    Chemistry Research Concentration

    Sarah Abraham
    Bachelor Science with a major in Biology

    Ali Mohammad
    Bachelor Science with a major in Biology

    Cohort 2

    Khulud Gretlein
    Bachelor of Science with a major in Biochemistry 
    Masters Environmental Engineering 5-year program

    Deniya Cowart
    Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology

    Reina Seklaoui
    Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology



    Scholar Travel Policy

    Scholar Application Process

    1. Scholar is made aware of or identifies a conference at which they would like to attend or present. Each Scholar has at least $1000 per grant budget year (April through March) for travel.
    2. Scholar reviews event with the faculty mentor, If the faculty mentor approves, please have the faculty mentor sign off on the Scholar Faculty Mentor Conference Review Form and email to the Student Success Director.Link to form:  Scholar Faculty Conference Review Form.docx
    1. If an abstract is required, the scholar waits until the abstract is approved before moving to step 4. If no abstract is required or if the scholar is not presenting move to step 4 now.
    2. Scholar submits a Scholar Travel Form found here https://forms.office.com/r/cQCx9CDfTc or on the I-RISE with U-RISE website at least two months before posted conference deadline.

    Director of Student Success

    1. The Director of Student Success reviews scholar travel requests and checks that the student is in good standing, has faculty mentor support and past conference history.
    2. Director of Student Success confirms with Dean Liz Roberts-Kirchhoff  to what dollar amount the scholar’s request is approved or denied
    3. Scholar and faculty mentor receive notification from Director of Student Success whether they are approved along with a specified amount or denied.

    Scholar Decision Information

    Approved Scholar

    1. The Director of Student Success will help the scholar get registered for the conference. This includes submitting the request, description summary, and required travel information for the conference. 
    2. The scholar will receive a reminder e-mail from the Director of Student Success regarding travel requirements, per diem, and other helpful conference attendee information before conference travel.
    3. After scholar travels, the student will submit their receipts to Director of Student Success for reimbursement.
    4. The Director of Student Success will reconcile all issues with Budget Manager and retain a copy of the necessary receipts

    Denied Scholars

    1. If the request is denied, the scholar & faculty mentor will receive an e-mail from the Director of Student Success outlining why the scholar was denied.
    2. The Director of Student Success will schedule a meeting with the faculty mentor to provide additional context.

    14.The scholar also has the ability to appeal the decision to the Scholar Travel Taskforce by completing this form and submitting it to the Director Student Success: Decision Appeals Form.docx

     Conference Registration and Hotel/Airfare Payment Information

    Conference Registration Fee Payment

    1. A Scholar has three options to pay for registration fees
      • University PO process
        • If a Scholar selects the university PO process, they are required to submit their request at least two months in advance with the Student Support Director. The Director of Student Success will work with the Budget Manager to get the Scholars registration fee paid for if they have selected the PO process.
      • Personal funds reimbursement
        • If the scholar selects the personal funds reimbursement, then the Scholar or Mentor would pay the fee up front after receiving approval and submit the reimbursement request.
      • Cash advance option
        • This option is only available for the faculty mentor (University of Detroit Mercy). The faculty mentor should contact the ES Budget Manager on how to apply for this option.


    Hotel/Airfare Payment Information

    1. Carrousel Travel should be used for hotel and travel/airfare. In order to use Carrousel a TR# is required. docx

    PLEASE NOTE: After July 1, 2024, any travel costs that are requested through the reimbursement process that could have been reserved through Carrousel will require a brief written explanation to accompany the reimbursement request. 

    This will be to affirm the choice to book outside of best practices and incur initial costs, and also support paying any additional/premium travel costs, fees, or taxes, associated with a personal reimbursement.  This will also provide feedback around the process if there are areas to review.  This explanation will be included in the submission for reimbursement to accounts payable. 

    Please see the attached form and instructions. You can use the form to request the travel through Carrousel and/or estimate the other ancillary costs. Incidental costs that are estimated on the form but not booked through Carrousel may still be requested through Reimbursement after incurrence.  

    Forms go directly to the ES Business Manager and he will get the needed signature(s) before sending to AP. (You may also engage in the outlined routing below, if that is your preference).  Ideally, we would turn the TR request within the 24-hour timeframe requested by Carrousel.

    Summary of process:

    1. All University related travel should be arranged through Carrousel Travel (website: www.carrouseltravel.com)  Call/email for a quotation on airfare/hotel at 888-992-1026; Kim Bedford: 612-798-1427  (kbedford@carrouseltravel.com); or  Julie Carr: 612-798-1404  (jcarr@carrouseltravel.com).   CTS airfare quotations are guaranteed for only 24 hours.
    2. Submit completed Travel Request form (TR) to Dean/Director/Assoc VP for signature (VP and President if travel cost warrants additional authorization).
    3. Additional approval is required if travel is charged to Restricted Fund(s).
    4. Email completed TR to Accounts Payable at accountspayable@udmercy.edu. An email confirmation will be sent.
    5. To finalize travel reservations, contact Kim or Julie with the TR#.  Reservations cannot be finalized without an approved TR#.


    1. If personal funds are used for hotel and airfare, the Director of Student Success will help the student file the appropriate forms for expense reimbursement.


    • After the Scholar returns from travel, the Director of Student Success will request their reimbursement information.
    • The Director of Student Success will work with the Budget Manager to ensure all documents are accurate and submitted appropriately. They will also reconcile any issues together to ensure we balance our Scholar travel budget.


    Scholar Conference/Travel Taskforce: Principal Investigator/s, ES Budget Manager (Non-Voting), Student Success Director