Michael DiGiovanni


Michael DiGiovanniCurrent Position:

Economics Professor; Co-director, GM Student Corps


University of Detroit Mercy; General Motors

What influenced your decision to serve on the Board?

To give back to University of Detroit Mercy, where I graduated with a B.A. '70 and M.A. '72.  I want to leverage my experience as a retired GM Executive Director to build a closer working relationship between GM and UDM.

Biographical Profile:

  1. B.A. & M.A. From Detroit Mercy in 1970 & 1972
  2. Chief Economist, Detroit District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973-1979
  3. Retired GM Executive Director; worked 31 years at GM, 1979-2010
  4. Detroit Mercy Economics Professor; Co-Director GM Student Corps