Graduate & Professional Engineering Programs
Masters Programs

You may work on: bridges, buildings, harbors, highways, construction, piers, pipelines, reservoirs, site planning, tunnels, Navy Seabees, and water and wastewater treatment plants. The possibilities are almost endless.

Relevant and practical research and close connections with industry. You may specialize in Signal and Systems, Robotics and Mechatronic Systems or Computer Engineering.

Focus on entrepreneurship, manufacturing systems, mechatronics, thermal/fluid systems, alternative energy conversion and vehicle systems.

Study product development methods and business practices and learn the special blend of engineering and management skills.

Study technical and business relationships across a wide range of topics, including technical, economic and environmental.
Many of our graduate programs are geared toward the full-time professional. Check out our Professional Programs information.
Graduate Certificates

Hands-on practice working with different data types. Identify new ways to inform decision making based on measurable performance analytics.
Doctor of Philosophy Degrees (Ph.D.)
Detroit Mercy offers:
Our high-quality programs delivered in flexible formats and delivery methods provide the re-skilling and up-skilling we hear our industry partners asking for. The engaged mentoring our faculty provide give a real competitive advantage to those looking to advance their careers.
— Katherine Snyder, dean of the College of Engineering & Science.
Why choose Engineering graduate programs at Detroit Mercy?
- All programs are hands-on and blend engineering, technical, innovation and business elements that impact the workplace now and in the near term.
- Each program brings real world insights combined with the latest knowledge regarding industry trends and best practices.
- Detroit Mercy faculty mentor students on a personal level and have a combination of industry experience and terminal academic credentials.
- Students work in a collaborative environment that utilizes online with traditional classroom experiences.
- The engineering program offers the third oldest cooperative education program in the country.
- The College offers high-quality academic programs available in alternative delivery methods that meet the demands of local industry searching for solutions to significant workforce needs
- The college is sought out by corporate partners to develop graduate certificates to meet their training needs as well as the local, state and national workforce needs.